Pihak keluarga berterima kasih kepada fans dari The Rev yang selama ini memberikan dukungan bagi The Rev dan juga yang telah ikut berduka atas kepergiannya.Lewat situs resminya,keluarga The Rev mengirimkan pesan untuk para Fans The Rev.Inilah pesan keluarga The Rev kepada Fans nya :
We would like to thank all of Jimmy’s fans for the heartfelt
comments that have been posted – it is comforting to know
that his genius and antics were appreciated and that he was
loved so much. Our hearts are broken – he was much too
young to fall.
February 9, 1981 – December 28, 2009
Óg agus saor go deo (forever young and free)
Barbara & Joe, Kelly & Katie
& the extended Sullivan family